Workshops & Educational Presentations


Karim Nagi has given over 500 K-12 assemblies around the USA. He is a Kennedy Center TAP Teaching Artist. Together with Rami, The Arab Blues has developed a 45-60 minute educational performance perfect for schools & libraries. They describe and perform on 7 various traditional and contemporary instruments, and give compelling examples of Arab music, traditional Blues, and their own hybrid of fusion music. This assembly has as much to do with bi-cultural identity as it does with music. The two immigrant musicians share how music has given them a way to merge their worlds, as a testament to multiculturalism in America.  

Music Master Class

For music students at the middle school, high school and higher educational level, The Arab Blues leads musicians in an ensemble setting. Playing the instruments of their choice, the students will learn modal music theory, pan-Arab rhythm, and improvisational strategies. Rami & Karim will help students achieve the Arab microtonal modes on their instruments, as well as the specialized rhythms that require odd and even counting. The band will teach specific songs that will help the students begin to  understand  the aesthetics of Arab music, through the familiar idiom of the blues. 

Music Sociology Lecture

In addition to being a masterful musician, Rami Gabriel is a professor of Psychology, and has published three books. Along with TEDx speaker Karim Nagi, who has taught Arab dance & music on 6 continents for the past 26 years, this band has a lot to share. This lecture will present the role of music in human life, and its transformative power in the community. Both artists will discuss the experience of music, and how it is a powerful expressive tool. Arab, American, and non-western traditions of trance, mobilization, resistance, celebration and catharsis will be shared. It includes live and recorded examples, plus interactive participation.